This project is coming along nicely. I really wish I had more time with it, but I don't so I just have to make the most of what little time I do have! I am really enjoying this process and am using some of the great tips I've found in my travels here in blogland. There are just so many great resources to learn and get inspiration from.

I really love this pattern (hint, hint!) and think the method she uses for cutting the squares is brilliant. I also took advantage of this little hint over here. Such a time saver, not to mention the mess of thread you avoid.
I am a little nervous for the next stage of this, but I guess the best thing to do is jump in with both feet and consider it a learning experience if it doesn't work out!
Wow, that looks like a lot of work but worth it b/c the quilt will look gorgeous. BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
I like your blog, kb!
I can't wait to see Sara's creations . .I am so enamoured with her work!
No pressure, Sara . . .
As chance would have it, I am just taking a break from this very project. It's a whole lot more work than I thought it was going to be, but I think it'll be worth it. I flipping hope after all this!!
*Note to self - make larger squares next time - less sewing that way.
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