Monday, March 30, 2009

I won!! I won!! . . . a gift for Sara

A few weeks ago I ordered Alicia Paulson's book, Stitched In Time. I love it!!! A day after the book arrived, she ran a contest on her blog asking for funny engagement stories. I told mine, and apparently made her laugh enough to win a copy of her book. What really makes me giggle is that I popped over to her blog and was scrolling my way through the winning entries and got to number five when baby M woke up. I skipped out and didn't make it back to finish up. Later today I checked my email and there was a message from Alicia Paulson . . in MY inbox, letting me know that I'd won! Is it weird that I think she's famous? She is!!

In any case, since I own her lovely book, I entered Alicia's contest in hopes of securing a copy for Sara, and so Sara, Surprise!!!! Your book should be in the mail soon!

- Donna

1 comment:

Sara said...

DONNA!!!!! This is crazy!!!
I'm SO excited and surprised. YES!
Thank you soooo much. So much!