Saturday, November 28, 2009

Giveaway Day

Over the years that I've been entering contests via this lovely internet community, I've been lucky enough to win a few great prizes. . fabric, a calendar, cute clothes for my girls, a beautiful quilted journal cover, handmade cards, a fabric storage box, and of course, an autographed copy of Alicia Paulson's Stitched in Time - the list goes on . . .

I enter a giveaway almost every day . . I think they're such a great way to give back to the blogging community that gives so much in terms of inspiration.

Which is why I'm taking part in Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day on December 2.

I have this book on my wish list this year . . I borrowed it from the library a few weeks ago and fell in love! I didn't have a chance to try out any of the projects but I think it belongs on every quilter's bookshelf.

If you win this giveaway, I will order it directly from a bookstore and have it delivered to you. I will also mail a little package of handmade fun. This will include an ornament for sure, but the rest depends on where the winner is from since postage rates can vary and it would be nice if the package could arrive before Christmas.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post telling me what your favourite Christmas cookie is . . and a link to a recipe gives you two entries. I need to get started on holiday baking!

Want a third entry? Become a follower of our blog and leave a comment telling me you've done so. (If you're already a follower you get a bonus entry but be sure and let me know.)

The deadline to enter is December 6th. Please include your email with your entry so I can contact you if you win!

Good luck!

- Donna


1 – 200 of 506   Newer›   Newest»
Ariane said...

Wow! I love this book. My favorite cookies are shortbread cookies . Thanks for the chance to win.

Barb said...

I LOVE that book! I've taken it out of the library a few times too - which is difficult because my library system doesn't have it and I have to inter-library loan, so I'd love to win! Anyway, I love shortbread cookies too - I'm a traditionalist when it comes to cookies but I love modern quilts!

Barb said...

I'm a follower!

zarina said...

i have been following your blog but only now becoming a follower. Thank you for the great offering.

Julia said...

Amazing giveaway here!!

Today my favorite Christmas cookie is Chocolate Crinkles. Like brownies, but cookie-er!Yum!

CitricSugar said...

What a great giveaway! I usually go Cookie-palooza for the holidays but my favourite gingerbread recipe is this one....

It's taken me a few tries to master it but it's very spicy. I've always used it as a name tag for cookie gift packs. I made them for my staff one year and customers tried to buy them!

anne said...

oooooooh I sure would love to have that book, unfortunately the library I use does not have a copy, sob sob.

I love to make a rum ball, not a cookie I know but soooooooo tasty.

Happy Stitching

jules said...

fav holiday cookie is russian tea cakes: and i'm a follower of the blog! happy holidays!

Jan said...

My favorite holiday cookies are actually a bar cookie, here is the link:

Jan said...

I already am a follower.

wishes, true and kind said...

Hi! I love your blog, am a follower on Google Friend Connect and have a subscription on Google Reader. My favorite Christmas cookies are just the good old frosted, decorated cut out cookies. So many childhood memories! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Nova said...

Chocolate dipped shortbread.

Doina said...

I love this book! My favorite Christmas cookies are cake with nuts and poppy

Doina said...

I'm a follower!

epban said...

Great book by a great designer! My favorite Christmas cookies are Spritz cookies made with a cookie press.

epban said...

I've been enjoying your blog for awhile and am now a follower.

Fine Hand said...

shortbread cut out in the traditional shapes

tracylee said...

I love peanut butter blossoms - peanut butter cookies with a hershey kiss - just makes me think of Christmas and making cookies with my family! Thanks for the giveaway opp!

tracylee said...

I've been a follower for a while - thanks!

Mandy said...

I love good olde fashioned NL Snowballs!

this is a recipe that's close to the traditional kind but I also have one that uses a cake mix instead of the cocoa and they're quite good too!!!

Please try these... and freeze them... they're really good frozen too!

Angela Nash said...

Ooh - fun! I love your regular iced sugar cookies - especially with the crunch of some sprinkles. And Buckeyes - yum!,167,134181-247193,00.html

Angela Nash said...

I have been following you for a while :)

Jennifer said...

Generous giveaway, Donna. I have had my eye on this book for a while!

My favorite Christmas cookie is a family recipe for something called fudge tarts. They are delicious! The recipe is somewhat secret, but here's a link to a similar cookie!,177,153171-249198,00.html

PS- I've been following for a while now. :P

Me? A Mom? said...

Oh, I'd love this book! It's on my list!!

My fav cookie is a Neopolitan cookie like the one found about halfway down on this page ( Only, I dip mine halfway in melted chocolate. YUM

Melanie said...

That book has been in my Amazon Wish List for so long! What a fantastic giveaway!

My favorite cookie for the Holidays has to be a classic sugar cookie. Here's Betty Crocker's recipe.

The rest of the year, my favorite cookies are the Ghirardelli chocolate chip cookies listed on their baking chips bag. This recipe has never failed me; the best chocolate chip cookies ever! I'm sure the fact that the recipe uses TWO sticks of butter has something to do with making them so tasty!

Melanie said...

I've been following for a while via Bloglines, but signed up as a Google follower too. Thanks again!

Tong said...

i love that book and have been wanting to get it for a long time, thanks so much for the chance to win it!

my favourite cookies are good old fashioned oatmeal raisin cookies. here is one of my favourite recipes from smitten kitchen:

Tong said...

I'm a follower!

Michele said...

My favorite Christmas cookie is an old recipe that I couldn't find online - so I posted it on my cooking blog:

It's for Merry Christmas Cookies, of course.

Vals Quilting said...

Hi Donna, this book would sit excellently on my shelf sounds like a great read. I already follow you in my RSS Reader so please add me to your list.
My favourite Christmas cookies are Shortbread traditional recipe but I add cinnamon chips to them - my house smells so good when they are baking :)
I hope I win, I would LOVE to win.

Jessica said...

Great giveaway!

My favorite Christmas cookies are these: these, except I don't use butterscotch chips, and I add pecans and dried cranberries. Yum!

Arnden said...

My favorite Christmas cookie are the lemon bars my Mother-in-law makes for our stockings every year. I have no idea where she got the recipe and will have to get it from her soon.

I am a follower of you blog as well.

chad and cheryl said...

Oooh, I would love that book!! My favorite cookies are sour cream cookies (,1-0,sour_cream_cookies,FF.html) with powdered sugar and milk frosting. Soooo yummy! And, I'm a foloower :-)

Evelyn said...

Love that book, and it's already on my xmas wish list!! My favorite cookie of all time is Rosemary Shortbread (recipe here). And I'm already a follower (well, a Google reader, anyway!).

MOMENTS Designs said...

The book looks fabulous!
My favorite cookie is good old fashion chocolate chip...I know they are not a traditional Christmas cookie but I only bake them at Christmas so they are for me :-)
Here you will find Tons of recipes ...till you can't bake anymore!

Jo said...

My favourite cookie is macademia and white choc chip..

A good recipe here:

Thanks for the giveaway!

Johanna said...

I am sorry, I don't have a receipe for you because I never look them up online (my grandma is always telling me over the phone if I need to bake something... each and every time!).
I hope I can still enter your giveaway, I would love to win this book!
Thank you for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is very generous! I love chocolate, so my favourite cookies are, of course, chocolate cookies.

Amanda said...

My favorite Christmas cookies are my Nana's French Cookies. She would make hundreds of these each Christmas.

... said...

chocolate or ginger cookies:) thanks for giveaway

... said...

i'm follower as well:)

isabel f. said...

well........... Ireally love some cookies that I do with walnut and brown sugar :)) I do not know how you say "suspiros" in English: ((
you acn see them here
I only do them in christmas :)))

please count me in!!
and go to my blog
I'm hosting this giveaway too :))
HUGS from Portugal :)))

Lia said...

Oh this book would complete my family of books :)...I LOVE butter cookies...they're the best :)

Megs said...

I am a follower!

Megs said...

My favourite christmas cookies are triple choc brownies! YUM

SewsCute said...

My favorite Christmas cookie are the little snowballs (we used to call them Mexican Wedding cakes). So yummy!

SewsCute said...,1610,146170-255200,00.html

A link to the recipe of my favorite snowball cookies.

adriane said...

Ohh! We never had christmas cookies growing up, but now I get them at my in-laws! I do think my favorite are the plain shortbread! Lots of butter please!

Michele said...

I'm a Mexican Wedding Cake cookie fiend as well!

gretamargreta said...

i havent seen this book before but it sounds great.
my favorite cookie is traditional...gingerbread men! i've used this one many a time:

(and i already follow your blog)

CraftyJodie said...

This is the first time I've entered a giveaway, it's a great book and good luck to everyone.
I'll share my fav. holiday cookie, Oatmeal Shortbread, combo of some of my favorite things. Here's a link to Martha's version: (if it works)

andrea creates said...

My favorite Christmas cookie is the one from Martha Stewart - I think it's the Austrian cookie or something like that with almonds and jelly in the middle.mmm mmmm
Love the prizes:)-

Beth said...

Does fudge count as a Christmas cookie??

Laurel said...

favorite Christmas cookie? "magic in the middles" - not super Christmasy, but I've always made these at Christmas time, so they're Christmasy to me!

Beth said...

Thanks for the uplifting words on my blog! I am now following yours through Google Reader!

Anonymous said...

Finnish rye cookies, sound weird but are really good.

Anonymous said...

Great book!

So hard to pick a favorite Christmas treat, but probably the cutout cookies we make. I love the almond flavor!

Melissa said...

Chocolate snowball cookies! I always knew it was Christmas officially when these were waiting when I got home from school. The recipe is here, although I never add the pecans (because nuts are yucky!),1622,146191-250194,00.html


james and bess said...

great giveaway! my favorite holiday treat is fudge - peanut butter fudge!


ktb38 said...

What a cool book! I'd have to say my favorite cookie is chocolate chip. With chocolate covered cherry cookies coming in a close second. And snowballs a third.

Purple Paisley Patch said...

What an awesome giveaway! I have this book out from the library at the moment, I need to photocopy and enlarge some of the patterns so I can get stitching. I'd love to win my own copy of this book.
I'm going to add you to my blog list now so I can follow along with your crafting adventures. I see you're a fellow FMF freak, yay!
My fave Christmas cookie is Shortbread with choc chips and macadamia nuts - yummy.
Thanks for the fab giveaway. :-)

Anonymous said...

My favourite christmas cookies to make are chocolate crinkles! *mmmmmmm* chocoalte crinkles! :)

I'd love another chance to win, so I'm going to include the recipe in the next comment! :)

Anonymous said...

Chocolate crinkles recipe

And you really should try them!!! :)

Anonymous said...

And now I've become a follower too. I love finding fellow Canuck blogs! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the classic gingerbread. I am a recent follower - it's fun to read about someone who's also in Ottawa.

Dresden Quilter said...

My favourite cookie is a chocolate chip one my mother-in-law makes. I really enjoy reading The Toronto Star's Advent Cookie recipes. I want to make the mint ones.

bluenewts said...

oh, i think my favorite christmas cookies are coconut macaroons with chocolate!

Purple Paisley Patch said...

I'm a follower. :-)

grendelskin said...

My favorite cookies are my Mom's date-nut pinwheels. Thanks for the chance, looks like a fabulous book and I have few quilting books!

Needled Mom said...

It sounds like a great book. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.

My favorite cookie is the Mexican Wedding cookie. Love the richness of them. I'll have to find a link for you.

Theresa said...

Oh my! What a cool book, I understand why it's on your wish list! Please enter me in the giveaway! (no cookie recipes, I don't bake, but I'll send another comment about following you).

Theresa said...

I'm definitely a follower, I've added you to Google reader so I see all your posts as they happen!

Needled Mom said...

I am a new follower. I have met so many great bloggers with each one of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaways by becoming a follower.

Needled Mom said... it is:

Amber Polk said...

Ok, favorite cookies will have to be more than one type. I love no bake cookies and snickerdoodles. It would be hard to pick between the two. Always depends on my mood at the time.

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

My favorite cookie is the Snickerdoodle! I hope I win.

lesleyandsara said...

my favorite cookies are shortbread cookies of any kind.

lesleyandsara said...

i'm following your blog!

Jerri said...

Looks like an awesome book! I love rumballs. But really, I've never tried a C'mas cookie I didn't like.

Rachel said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you! My favorite cookies are from Nigella's "Nigella Express" cookbook. They're called Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies, and if you like chocolate you need to make these cookies, STAT. Delicious. Also wonderful if you add a little mint or some dried cherries to the recipe.

Anya said...

Snickerdoodles are my favorite cookie any time of year! Thanks for the chance.

Shannah said...

Please include me too. That book looks wonderful.

My favorite cookies are the chocolate chip cookies on the back of the Nestle bag (is that a link?). Plain and simple anytime cookies, but so good and comforting right out of the oven.

Katie said...

Hi Donna,
What a generous giveaway. I'd love to win. My favorite Christmas cookies are frosted cutout cookies. I also make hundreds of peanut butter balls for Christmas. I think that's what my friends and family like the best. I will post the recipe on my blog soon.

Sarah said...

At christmas time, it has to be gingerbread cookies for me. Gingerbread men & women make perfect edible ornaments!

Sarah said...

I'm also a follower :)

Katie said...

I just became a follower, too.

The Sewing Dork said...

Okay, would it be fair to say that I love ANY cookie? Seriously, I don't think I have ever spit one out. I'm one of those thin people that can eat 2 dozen for breakfast. Bad for my arteries I know, but mmmmmmmmm.....

Ellyn said...

what a beautiful blog & fun giveaway! I'm a follower now (yay!). Christmas cookies, hmmm this is a hard one for me. I am gluten free so most cookies are off limits. I do love meringue cookies though! Sorry, I don't have a recipe to share

Holly said...

Thanks for the chance to win! My husband is the food editor at The Associated Press, so here is a link to an interactive display with recipes for 12 Christmas cookies I got to sample recently! My favorite was the glazed cranberry drop cookies.

TequilaSunrise said...

My aunt and I bake about a dozen different kinds every year.. but these are one of my favorites Chocolate crinkle cookies!
-Liz S.

Allison said...

that book looks awesome and i love handmade goodies. my favorite christmas cookie is a family recipe called butterballs. mmm...winter weight gain, here i come.

Laci said...

Molasses Crinkles! They remind me of my Grandma :)

redzshadow said...

I just made these Lemon Drop Cookies from

They are now my favorite! I made them Vegan so mine are a little different. But they are the best thing with tea!

two hippos said...

What a generous giceaway. I love fudge which I suppose isn't a cookie but it's my favorite holiday treat.

Meg said...

i cant lie, i get really surprised at the idea of "a little package of handmade fun." :)

Bree said...

I've always loved thumbprint cookies. Plus, you can't go wrong with anything baked by Ina Garten...



Mare said...

Wow, I think that book looks great! My favorite Xmas cookies are gingerbread cookies!

B said...

I love love new project books. I am building up my collections

Anonymous said...

we've fallen in love with lemon poppyseed.

thank you for the generous giveaway!

Mare said...

and now I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

awesome! i love sugar cookies with frosting. simple. happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway

the mama monster said...

great giveaway! i love a good sugar cookie with cream cheese frosting. we make them every year!

the mama monster said...

i'm a follower:)

Deranged Squirrel said...

Very cool! My favourite cookie recipe is a family ginger cookie recipe - but I can't find anything similar online. We tried this recipe ( last year and enjoyed it.

Vanessa said...

We have some old family favorites for holiday cookies, but this one I found in the now-defunct Country Home got added to the list They are the Cherries Jubliee cookies and they are delish!

Love that book for a giveaway, and you have a pretty blog too.

Claire said...

That book looks wonderful!
My favorite Christmas cookies are sugar cookies, because I have so many wonderful memories of making them with my Mom every year.
Fingers crossed, hope I win!

Vanessa said...

I am following your blog now too...

Claire said...

I am now a follower!

Sue Cahill said...

I have joined as a follower!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sue Cahill said...

My favorite Christmas cookie is my mother-in-law's sugar cookies. I can't imagine there is a link anywhere. She made them for years and now I make them and my daughter's do too.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Leanna said...

I heart cream cheese cake bars. Here's a pretty close recipe to what my Grandma makes:
Thanks for the chance!

Josie said...

mmmmm I love cookies, so choosing one is hard...Probably double chocolate mint chip, mostly because me and one of my girlfriends make time every year to make them together.

dogwood said...

Ooooh, I would love that book!

I am an oreo fiend!

dogwood said...

I'm itching to try this home made oreo recipe:

Danielle said...

These ginger cookies are the best...especially if you make a cookie sandwhich filled with cream cheese frosting!

Danielle said...

What a great prize!

Bea said...

Thank you for this great giveaway! My favorite holiday cookies are called Russian Tea Cakes. They are a little nostolgic memory for me. A good recipe is here

Marianne Penner said...

Love your giveaway idea and love your crazy carnival quilt in the previous post too!

Mama Lusco said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Coralee said...

my favourite cookie changes yearly - I made this one last year and it's sooo yummy

Betsy said...

I like shortbread... but I also like those super-rich 7-layer cookies! Pretty much anything goes for me and cookies!

Melanie said...

My favorite Christmas cookie is either the Lady Fingers my mom makes or a yummy chocolate roll called Stained glass - so good. Thanks for the give away.

mon ami said...

what a great giveaway! My all time favourite cookie recipe is Orangette's Chocolate Chip Ginger-Molasses Cookies:

happy baking!

iheartmonami {at} gmail {dot} com

mon ami said...

I also just added your blog to my google reader

thanks again for sharing!

Sarah Seitz said...

What a great giveaway and a great question! My favorite CHristmas cookie are these delicious blondies from Smitten Kitchen's website:

Lindsey said...

Wow, great giveaway! Thanks! My new favorite cookie is a ginger mound cookie.

Candace said...

I love magic cookie bars.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Lindsey said...

That's the link to the cookies, I've tweaked the original recipe and it's soooo good!

Lindsey said...

Here's my third entry for being a follower!
thank you!

Colleen said...

Peanut butter blossoms!

Victoria van der Laan said...

Fantastic book, and such a nice idea for a giveaway!

As for cookies, my favorite isn't especially holiday-like but my mom would only make them at Christmas and my brothers and I would DEVOUR them. We call them forgotten cookies but they're basically just meringue cookie with chocolate chips in them baked at a very low temperature and left in the oven overnight (thus "forgotten"). So, so good.

Rebecca said...

Well - favorite cookie - that is a tough one - but I think it must be the sugar cookie recipe from my mom's ANCIENT betty crocker cookbook (seriously, that thing can hardly be called a "book" anymore, it is falling apart!)Mostly from age and a whole lot of use. But, I am VERY excited to make these this year:

Its not a cookie, but I think it will make a great Christmas morning breakfast!

Jenny said...

I love this book too, and I requested our library to buy it and they did! yipee! but i would love even more to not have to return it! Thanks for a chance.
I love the candycane cookies made from my moms betty crocker cookbook, but they are so fragile we hardly make them!

Anonymous said...

what a great giveaway, so kind and generous. thank you.
is a link to my favorite cookie ever, whatever the season.
blrohloff at aol dot com

Erica said...

How great! Thank you!
Our favorite cookie recipe is definitely the no-bake chocolate cookies because we can all get in there and do it together!

Erica said...

Here is the recipe:,1722,129186-241195,00.html

Nicole said...

Hello! I would love to win this book! My absolute favorite christmas cokie are these amazing candy cane cookies:

thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Spritz cookies all the way! Just the best :)

Sarita said...

yowza, what a giveaway! this looks like an great book, too.
i work in a library and half my bedroom is books... do i need another one? probably not... but i sure would love this one! *grin*
thanks for helping make giveaway day as awesome as it is :)
sarita0818 at comcast dot net

Jessie Lathroum said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I would LOVE to be the recipient of this one! :) My favorite holiday cookie is something my mom makes, its a little mini pastry, looks like a crescent roll, but its sweet and filled with cream cheese, apricots or cherries. I have NO idea how to make them, I leave those up to Mom! :)

Jessie Lathroum said...

Jessie Lathroum = Follower :)

Lesly said...

Great giveaway! We're practically neighbours - I live in Kingston! I do Chanukah this time of year, so no Christmas cookies for me - do latkes count, lol?

joanthequilter said...

Peanut butter cookies, yummy!

sommerkind said...

my favourite cookies:
100 g dried apricots, very fine dices; 4 eggwhites, whip a lot; 200 g icing sugar, carefully whipped under; lemon zest and 200 g ground almonds, carefully whipped under. make little heaps with two teaspoons, bake at 130°C for 35 minutes.
Hope you understand it, as my cooking- english is horrible.

Skip said...

Wow awesome giveaway!

Mmmmm cookies. Try these:

Hell yeah!

Kat said...

My favorite recipe isn't exactly a cookie, it's fudge. It's Velveeta Cheese Fudge. Everyone thinks it sounds gross, but it's delicious. The cheese gives it a good texture. And when the recipe measures in pounds of cheese, butter, and sugar you really can't go wrong.

I'm also following now.

Unknown said...

Are you kidding me! Oh my how generous! Please count me in :)

Unknown said...

And my favourite Christmas cookies are these gingerbread men. I make up four/five batches each year and we do a cookie run to all our friends in the neighborhood.

Ariel said...

This book has been on my list FOREVER! Would love to win!! My favorite Christmas cookie is my neighbor's secret sugar cookie recipe. She takes like 3 days to make these amazing cookies, but won't share the secret! I love them anyway! said...

Pinwheel cookies! Oh, pinwheel cookies (drat; now I'm hungry...)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm so excited to find the blog of a quilter/crafter in Ottawa! I'm in Montreal. :) I am adding your blog to my favourites and will take some time to read it after I enter your contest.

My favourite Christmas cookie isn't really a cookie... it's Nanaimo bars (yay, I don't have to explain what that is because you're Canadian!) :D

I found this recipe, which I haven't tried (yet!!): Enjoy! :)

Unknown said...

My favorite Christmas cookie are those little peanut butter blossom cookies. Nothing fancy but they are oh so good!

Cori Lewis said...

My fave cookie is snicker doodles.

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

We love these Double Peanut Butter Delights.

And these Coffee Meringue Cookies


Sarah said...

I would love this book!

My favorite Christmas treat is fudge. Just the standard, dense, chocolate wonderfulness that you can make from the condensed milk--heaven!

Oh, and I just added you to my bloglines.

Laura said...

I love peanut butter balls(not a cookie) most, but as far as cookies go I really like the peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss in the middle...notice a theme with peanut butter... the craving was inherited from my dad.

Catlin said...

My favorite cookies are these chocolate candy cane cookies. I usually drop the dough by spoonfuls on the pan instead of shaping them like candycanes. Here is the link:

Great giveaway!

ikkinlala said...

My favourite Christmas cookie is Crescents, which are a shortbread cookie with pecans and chocolate chips. I'll have to dig out the recipe soon and start baking.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

What a nice prize! My favorite Christmas cookies were my mom's filled cookies. The fillings were varied but the best was raisins. Yum! Sorry, but I don't have the recipe:(

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

I'm now following your blog!

Petit Design Co. said...

I love the Mexican wedding cookies

Candice @ Made With Love said...

I've had my eye on that book as well! Thank you for this opportunity!

My favorite Christmas cookies are Russian Teacakes- yum!

Natural Mom said...

Our favorite Christmas Cookie is one from Pioneer Woman found here:
Great to do with kids. Which reminds me I need to get started baking for the holidays. Oh yeah I am a follower too.

naturalmomcreations at yahoo dot com

Ann said...

My favorite holiday cookie is from 101 cookbooks:

But maybe that's just because I love peppermint bark so much.

adelantegirl said...

Oh this would be PERFECT for me. I'm in need of some new ideas!

My favorite cookie is my mom's Pecan Crispies. Sorry.....I can't find a link. I think it's a family recipe!

pss said...

My favorites are the chocolate crinkles. Recipe can be found at

Valerie said...

Ah that book looks lovely, I'm on the waitlist for it at the library, but you know how long that takes :(

My favourite Christmas cookies have always been whipped shortbread BUT - I may have a new favourite. Check out this recipe:

Ginger molasses - JUST LIKE STARBUCKS! But lighter in colour. Sooooo yummy! Try them, seriously!

sewcrafty said...

Yummm ~ Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. A pain to make, but oh, so worth it!

Barbara said...

Here is my favorite cookie! Chocolate Truffle Cookies!

You will have to post about which cookies become YOUR favorites.

abarb1000 at yahoo dot com

RosaMaría said...

my fav cookies are chocolate cookies.

RosaMaría said...

I already am a follower!!! thanks!!

Barbara said...

Woo hoo!
Im a subscriber now. ; )

abarb1000 at yahoo dot com

secret cake said...

What a generous giveaway, and aren't you clever by asking about holiday cookies!

My favorite cookies are these:

If you've got peanut brittle fans, try this-- perfect brittle in minutes. Brilliant.

Take care and thanks so much for the opportunity!

secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tara said...

First off, your pinwheel quilt is beautiful! My favorite Christmas cookies are spritz cookies--lots of butter and almond extract, plus fun with a cookie press! Thanks for the chance to win! That book is on my wish list as well!

daizee said...

I like Chocolate Crinkles.

JoyLeanne said...

My favorite holiday cookies are Oat Bars. I don't know a link to the recipe but if you would like I send it to you. I am a follower.

merlinthecat said...

My mom used to make a mint fudge that I loved, it's not really a cookie, but she only made it around x-mas

Tracy said...

My favorite cookies are my nanny's fruit cake cookies. They are delish! Not like the traditional fruitcake at all...they are so good!


C. Michele said...

Snickerdoodles! My aunt makes them for me every year!

cassandra.pendergraff at gmail dot com

Vicki said...

cookies... simple sugar cookies, but not flat and hard, fluffy and soft. And with a touch of almond flavoring.

Jaime said...

I've been wanting that book for ages!

My favorite *anytime* cookie is a just a great chocolate chip. This one is a variation on the classic Toll House recipe that makes it chewy without underbaking - perfect!

Eema-le said...

My favorite Christmas cookies are my MIL's sugar cookies. They're so tender and perfect. Sadly the recipe isn't posted anywhere.

Leigh said...

Love it! My favorite cookie is the Pioneer Woman's peppermint chocolate cookie... I'm looking up the link for you now!

sallgood said...

My favorite is Mexican Wedding Cakes/Russian Tea Cakes. A classic cookie with many slight variations, but we like our recipe best! I haven't posted it yet on my blog, but will do so once I get some baked! We make these every year, and it's just not Christmas without them! :D

Leigh said...

here's the link to the chocolate candy came cookies...

Teresa C said...

Joining a long list of people coveting that book! ;)

Anonymous said...

My favourite Christmas Cookie is Almond Crescents. My mother has made them every year as long as I can remember! You will find the recipe here:
Thanks for the giveaway!

AM said...

My favorite Christmas cookie is British Shortbread.


carmel said...

my favorite cookies are choclet chip cookies of corse
for any day or holiday

carmel said...

and i also became a follower thanks!!

AM said...

And, here's the recipe:


free indeed said...

Our favorite Christmas cookie is German Crisps. ?A recipe that we've been using for over 40 years! Don't know if it is online anywhere...I'll google it and come back with a link if I find one. They are not a crisp cookie like the name implies, but a flat light lemon wafer cutout cookie that we glaze and decorate with kids/friends/family every year.

Katie said...

My favorite cookies are my grandma's tollhouse cookies, which she makes from the recipe on tollhouse chocolate chips.

But recently I found these cookies:
they are so addictingly yummy! When I made them I substituted the vegetable oil for applesauce, which gave the cookies a muffin like consistency. Something to think about if you want to make it healthier.

sandyandcosmo said...

Cranberry-pistachio biscotti! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway

Lee D said...

Looks like a great book and one I would love to flip through over the holidays..Favourite cookie at Christmas are my sugar cookies or around here they are called cut-outs. our family recipe is now 4 generations old and is tasty. Now my girls are helping me to make mine. I haven't started baking yet...yikes way behind. Greetings from Calgary! I will follow your blog now...check out mine

punkrockgirl said...

how generous!

My favorite is peanut butter w/ hersey's!


Rhiannon said...

Are you ready for this?

Yup. That's right. Peanut Butter Bacon cookies. Do it.

Rhiannon said...

I'm a follower! <3

Liesl said...

I don't know if they have a name but the kind of cookie I love best is an almond lemon cookie. So yummy.

Thanks for a chance at the book. it's been on my wishlist for a while now too.

liesl52 at gmail dot com

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