Are you all familiar with Craft Hope? The latest project they're organizing is bracelets for Orphan Outreach. Go read this post by someone who decided to help out. You may cry. I'll wait.

- Donna
This quote, from the post, just got me right in the heart:
I can't help but think that maybe a little girl who very deeply knows the pain of life without loving parents might find a few moments of joy when she places a bracelet we made on her little arm.
Dontcha wanna make some bracelets?
I made 21...kind of a random number but that's how I roll. Join in, and give a little joy by showing an orphan someone is thinking about them. That's what I hope the kids who get the bracelets I made feel when they do these up. (Pattern generously shared by Jennifer Casa)
- Donna
The perfect example of eye candy! They're so deliciously beautiful in every way! Awesome job, Donna!!
Ashley's post got to me too! It would be interesting to know how many people were inspired to participate in this Craft Hope project because of Firecracker.
Colorful and full of Hope!
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