Sunday, March 14, 2010


Years later than everyone else, I've signed up for a Twitter account. My friend is a big fan, and swears that the Twitter experience is only as good as the tweets of those you follow. . .

Are any of you on Twitter? What are your thoughts? Is Soci al Media overdone? I am on facebook, flickr, maintain a blog - will twitter improve my social networking or detract from it? Time will tell! I'd love to know what you think of it.
- Donna


Lara said...

I love twitter and love finding more local women to follow. Come find me! I'm @glidinglara :)

Capital Mom said...

Twitter is very awesome. When it was down a bit today I actually got a bit panicky.

And Lara is awesome to follow. :-)

Welcome to the dark side.

wishes, true and kind said...

I'm glad you asked that, because I've been wondering about it myself. I'll be very interested in the responses. I just don't really "get" Twitter....

Sara said...

I don't "get" it either, but that doesn't mean much since I am pretty much living back in the 18th Century when it comes to technology!


Holly said...

I'll "tweet" you and let you know! ;)

I don't actually have a Twitter account...I haven't even managed to check my Facebook page in at least 6 months.

Twitter sounds fun, but I worry that it might steal valuable sewing time...AND will be one more thing for me to feel quilty about neglecting. I just can't keep up!

Please let us know how Twitter works out for you...then we'll know whether it's worth the time investment.

Nishant said...

When it was down a bit today I actually got a bit panicky.
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