See, I have this quilt I'm making and up to this point, I've chosen fabric (after ruining the surprise and getting the recipient to help me), cut out 80 - 6" squares (40 patterned and 40 white), did
this to them and am left with 160 squares of half white/half pattern. Now, I'm stuck.
Zig Zag?
This? Is there anything else you can do with squares like that that I'm missing?

If you could help a girl out here, I'd really appreciate it!
My vote is for the pinwheel. Good luck!
Hi Sara
Did you see this quilt:
Or this quilt:
They are made by Rita from redpepperquilts and she really do something wonderfull with triangles.
Can't wait to see what you decide :-)
My vote is for the zigzag. With the white fabric I think it will look the most modern of the set. But whatever you pick will be AWESOME!
Isa posted the exact two I would have suggested. They are in my Flickr favorites, and I want to try each myself.
I love the zig-zags. I've been planning to do one for ages...haven't started of course!
I am loving all of Rita of RedPepperQuilts' stuff . .but I think I vote zig zag. ALthough you've done one before, it wasn't as colourful ..I think that it's a great pattern and so cute for a baby quilt.
My vote is for an hourglass...but then i'm kind of partial to hourglass quilts. :) I look forward to seeing the quilt, the fabrics look lovely in these photos!
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